We are pleased and honored to announce that Ken Schapiro, Founder of Condor Capital, has been selected for the third straight year as a Barron’s magazine Top 1200 Investment Advisor in the country. He is one of only four independent advisors to make the 2019 list from New Jersey.
We take particular pride in that fact since most of our clients live in New Jersey and several on our staff are Rutgers graduates. We actively seek out students and graduates from the school to intern and in some cases employ at the company. We believe in being active and engaged in the community.
“It’s amazing to be picked by Barron’s for three years running for our financial advisory. We try to always be improving on all levels of our work,” said Ken Schapiro, MBA, CFA.
According to Barron’s: “The rankings are based on data provided by over 4,000 of the nation’s most productive advisors. Factors included in the rankings: assets under management, revenue produced for the firm, regulatory record, quality of practice and philanthropic work. Investment performance isn’t an explicit component because not all advisors have audited results and because performance figures often are influenced more by clients’ risk tolerance than by an advisor’s investment-picking abilities.”
The 2019 Barron’s Magazine’s Top 1,200 Investment Advisor list can be found here: https://www.barrons.com/report/top-financial-advisors/1000/2019?mod=article_inline